Running or more like a light jog
Today's workout is done! Way to go! 5,7 k, and a couple of minutes faster than the day before yesterday. It is going forward, I can really feel that I haven't been running for a while, it is so easy to let yourself go and then suddenly you're all out of breath not even been half way running a distanse you used to run without problems. Fortunatly it is easy to get better at running, and it doesn't take more than a few times, pushing yourself, before you notice a difference. This winter I've been working out several times a week, but I've been focusing on strength training, and I got much stronger. Now the weather is so nice and almost all the ice is gone from the track, so I figured it was time to start running again. It is great for burning off those extra calories too and I get less hungry. For me, running especially helps for those sugar craving, win win situation!
Did you work out today?
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